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HappyGoLucky Baby Balance Bike 1 2 Year Old, 4 Wheels Lighting Ride On Toys for 1 2 Year Old Girls Gifts, Toddler Toys 1 2 Year Old Girl Toys Age 1-2, Baby Toys 10-36 Months Old Tricycles
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Product Info
Colorful Lighting Wheels We've designed wheels with colorful lighting to maximize fun for 1-year-old girls while riding. No batteries are needed, and the light shines while they ride. The light is visible during the day, but it's even better at night. We think babies will love the glowing wheels design.
Safety First We prioritize babies' safety. Our product features a soft anti-slip handlebar, 135° limit steering to avoid side falling, a soft comfortable seat, a sturdy carbon steel frame, and widened mute wheels for slip-resistance.
Easy 5-Minute Assembly No tools are needed, thanks to the buckle design. You can assemble it by hand in just 5 minutes. Follow these steps: 1) install the front wheel and handle, 2) install the seat, and 3) install the rear wheel. Check the instructions for detailed tutorials.
Baby's First Balance Bike Our balance tricycle is designed for baby girls 12+ months old. During toddlerhood, a balance bike is a perfect helper, promoting coordination, building physical fitness, and teaching coordination.
Happy Childhood Guarantee We believe this makes a great first birthday gift for girls. Please check the recommended height and weight: 10-36 months, 55LB max weight, and 26''-28'' recommended height. If you have questions, feel free to contact us.
Safety First We prioritize babies' safety. Our product features a soft anti-slip handlebar, 135° limit steering to avoid side falling, a soft comfortable seat, a sturdy carbon steel frame, and widened mute wheels for slip-resistance.
Easy 5-Minute Assembly No tools are needed, thanks to the buckle design. You can assemble it by hand in just 5 minutes. Follow these steps: 1) install the front wheel and handle, 2) install the seat, and 3) install the rear wheel. Check the instructions for detailed tutorials.
Baby's First Balance Bike Our balance tricycle is designed for baby girls 12+ months old. During toddlerhood, a balance bike is a perfect helper, promoting coordination, building physical fitness, and teaching coordination.
Happy Childhood Guarantee We believe this makes a great first birthday gift for girls. Please check the recommended height and weight: 10-36 months, 55LB max weight, and 26''-28'' recommended height. If you have questions, feel free to contact us.
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